For its debut , the selected location was pietrasanta,
where in may of 2011 ultracicli, was presented for the first time
with a project called "the true story of the impossible pop-up store".
Hence, a temporary space, an example of "design - yourself".
Indeed, a simple structure built using materials that may be found
in large retail chains, which may be reconducte to the basic construction archetypes, able to raising emotions because
of the strong yet harmonious contrast with the surroundings
that staged the envent.
In fact, it was rated amongst the most original spaces worldwide
by brand spaces, an international publication (publisher gestalten) specialised in evaluating unusual commercial spaces.
At the kick-off the pop-up store hosted ultracicli, cooper bikes,
pashley and brooks England.
Subsequently it was temporarily adopted by monocle,
the famous magazine founded by tyler brule, becoming
in such way the first italian temporary store of the cult brand
from London for a period of one month.
Finally it was transformed into the season closing, open-air exhibition "joint garibaldi" organised by the Giovanni bonelli gallery proving
to be definitely a versatile project and container, multi-talented
and hyper-adaptable.
As a natural consequence came the opening
of the second temporary in Milan.
This is how the idea came up to creating a format
and what better name could be chosen than ultrabox.
Presently ultrabox*ultracicli proposes itself as the sole italian reference point in respect of urban cycling lifestyle. the popups will always show
a mix of international brands closely related to the theme,
as well as the indication of particular spare parts that meet
the refined requirements not only of an “ad hoc” production
but also of the re-stylings.
An always active service has been expressly created for those who want to modify, update, or simply change the look of their bike obviously along with the traditional bto service.
A selection of more generic lifestyle brands in some way related
to the concept, always completes the proposal
of our temporary store.
As a whole the world of ultrabox * ultracicli represents always
and everywhere the metaphor of a cycling/urban contemporary lifestyle which is "modern" and internationally recognized and recognizable.